
基于物联网的物流企业智能仓储管理系统设计 被引量:14

Design of logistics warehouse management system based on Internet of things
摘要 提高仓储系统生产效率,减少人工操作费时、费力的缺点,这是现代物流企业需要关注的问题。将物联网技术系统地结合到仓储管理系统中,基于RFID技术,设计了一种物流企业货物管理系统。数据读取终端对RFID电子标签进行读取,同时具有通信、控制和计算功能。基于ZigBee的传感器网络将多个读写器进行连接并将数据实时传输到货物信息管理系统,保证了正确的库存控制和决策。货物信息管理系统实现出入库货物扫描、查询、盘点等功能,满足了物流企业对各项作业流程高效率的要求,降低了物流公司运作成本。 Improving the productivity of storage system is one of key problems for modern logistics enterprises. The technology of Internet of things is applied to the design of logistics warehouse management system. Data reading terminal of RFID tag is designed, which has the functions of communication, control and computing. The ZigBee based sensor network is presented to connect the RFID readers to become a network and the data is real time transfer to the cargo information management system to ensure proper inventory control. The cargo information management system can achieve the goods scan, query, inventory and other functions to meet the logistics enterprises on various high efficiency requirements, and reduce the logistics company operating costs.
作者 齐恒
出处 《实验技术与管理》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第12期133-135,共3页 Experimental Technology and Management
关键词 信息管理系统 物流仓储管理 物联网 logislics warehouse management lnternet of things information management system
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