
资源约束项目计划内在稳健性与资源使用效率关系 被引量:1

The Relationship between the Intrinsic Robustness of Resource Constrained Project Plans and Resource Utilization Efficiency
摘要 资源约束项目计划的内在稳健性受资源使用效率的影响,查明二者之间的影响关系,可为稳健性的项目计划制定和项目计划稳健性的预测提供依据。文章应用16种优先规则对Kolisch的j30算例集中的480个算例制定项目计划,计算出各项目计划的资源使用效率,通过仿真的方法得到各项目计划的内在稳健性值;实验结果表明,项目计划的内在稳健性与资源使用效率之间存在显著的负相关关系,即资源使用效率越高,项目计划的内在稳健性越低,这与直觉一致。 Due to the fact that the intrinsic robustness fluenced by resource utilization efficiency, finding out of resource constrained project plans is in- the relationship between them will provide basis for the establishment of robust project plans and the prediction oI project plan robustness. In the paper,16 priotity rules are used to make project plans for 480 samples included in Koliseh' s j30 sample set and the resource utilization efficiency of each proiect plan is computed. Then, the intrinsic robustness of each project plan is obtained by simulation. The experimental results mani- fest that there is a notable negative correlation between the intrinsic robustness of project plans and resource utilization efficiency, i. e. the higher the resource utilization efficiency is, the lower the intrinsic robustness of project plans will be,which is consistent with our intuition.
出处 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期35-38,共4页 Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"资源约束项目计划内在稳健性研究"(61064007) 国家自然科学基金项目"职业价值观 职业兴趣与职业生涯发展:以民族地区大学生的视角"(71263009)
关键词 资源约束 项目计划 内在稳健性 资源使用效率 仿真 resource constraints project plan intrinsic robustness resource utilization efficiency simulation
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