
静脉补液治疗妊娠晚期临界性羊水过少的临床价值探讨 被引量:2

Clinical Value of Discussion Intravenous Rehydration Therapy in Late Pregnancy Oligohydramnios Criticality
摘要 目的探讨静脉补液治疗妊娠晚期临界性羊水过少的临床价值。方法为2010年10月至12月120例在我院妇产科治疗妊娠晚期临界性的羊水过少患者进行分组,研究组采用静脉补液,对照组不采用静脉补液,检查患者羊水池深度和羊水指数。结果治疗组经过静脉补液的治疗后,在羊水池深度和羊水指数上和对照组并无明显差异。结论在治疗妊娠晚期临界性羊水过少时,传统静脉补液治疗的应用价值值得我们重新认识,在大多数的胎心监护正常病例中传统静脉补液是没有必要进行的。但在诊断羊水过少时很有必要进行动态的观察,不能只以1次检查结果就判定为临界性羊水过少,而给产妇进行剖宫产。 Objective To investigate the clinical value of intravenous fluid therapy for advanced borderline oligohydramnios. Method To December in our hospital 120 cases of obstetrics and gynecology in treatment of advanced critical pregnancy oligohydramnios patients were grouped into 2010 October, study group was treated with intravenous fluids, the control group does not use intravenous fluid, amniotic fluid of patients examined depth and arnniotic fluid index. Results The treatment group after treatment of intravenous fluids, in amniotic fluid pool depth and amniotic fluid index and the control group had no obvious difference. Conclusion In the treatment of borderline oligohydramnios in late pregnancy, application value of traditional intravenous fluid therapy is wortb us to know, in most of the fetal heart rate monitoring in normal cases traditional intravenous rehydration is not necessary for the. But in the diagnosis of oligohydramnios is necessary for dynamic, not only to the l examination results to determine the critical oligohydramnios, and to the maternal cesarean section.
作者 侯玉琼
出处 《中国医药指南》 2013年第36期329-330,共2页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 静脉补液 妊娠晚期临界性羊水 临床价值 Intravenous infusion Advanced borderline amniotic fluid pregnancy Clinical value
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