
新康德主义法学的两种路向:施塔姆勒与凯尔森 被引量:8

Two Approaches of Neo-kantian Legal Philosophy: Stammler and Kelsen
摘要 本文比较了新康德主义法学的两位代表人物施塔姆勒和凯尔森的两种不同理论进路,一种是自然法的进路,另一种是法实证主义的进路。但是作为同属新康德主义阵营的法学家,他们分享着新康德主义的某些共识。首先,他们都抛弃了《法权学说》中康德有关法律理论的论述;其次,他们都认为理解康德就是要超越康德,因此他们都试图运用康德哲学的先验方法来为法哲学提供新的基础。那么既然如此,他们又是在何种意义上走上了不同的道路。本文通过分析指出,他们的根本分歧在于他们对待正义的态度。在该问题上,施塔姆勒采用了康德式的立场,而凯尔森则采用了休谟式的立场。正是对于"正义"的此种不同理解和处理,他们两人走上了不同的道路。 This article compares two different approaches of neo-kantian legal philosophy. One is the approach of natural law theory, represented by Rudolf Stammler. Another approach is Legal positivism, represented by Hans Kelsen. They share some consensus about legal philosophy. First, they all reject Kant' s Rechtlehre as adequate legal theory. Second, they all agree to apply Kant' s transcendental method to legal philosophy so as to provide new foundation to it. But their different understanding of justice led them to different road. Stammler adopted Kantian standpoint, and Kels- en adopted Hume's standpoint.
作者 吴彦
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期56-62,共7页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
关键词 自然法 法实证主义 先验方法 正义 natural law legal positivism transcendental method justice
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  • 1Rudolf Stammler, Fundamental Tendencies in Modern Ju- risprudence, Michigan Law Review, Vol. 21, No. 8, 1923, pp. 880-881, p. 881, p. 884, p. 887.
  • 2Kelsen, General Theory of Law and State, Harvard University Press, 1945, p.436, p. 437.
  • 3Kelsen, Pure Theory of Law, University of California Press 1967, p. 1.
  • 4Kelsen, General Theory of Law and State, Harvard University Press, 1945, pp. 444 - 445,.
  • 5Alida Wilson, Is Kelsen Really a Kant- ian?, in Essay on Kelsen, edited by Richard Tur and William Twining, Oxford University Press, 1986, pp. 37-64.
  • 6Hans Kelsen, What is Justice? Justice, Law, and Politics in the Mirror of Science, University of California Press, 1957, pp. 2 - 3.
  • 7Hillel Steiner, Kant's Kelsenianism, in Essay on Kelsen, edited by Richard Tur and William Twining, Oxford University Press, 1986, pp. 65 - 75.
  • 8Kelsen, General Theory of Law and State, Harvard Univer- sity Press, 1945, pp. 433 - 439.
  • 9Joseph Raz, The Purity of the Pure Theory, in Richard Tur and William Twining (ed.), Essay on Kelsen, Oxford UniversityPress, 1986, pp. 79 -97.
  • 10Stanley L. Paulson, The Neo - Kantian Dimension of Kelsen' s Pure Theory of Law, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, Vol. 12, No. 3 ( 1992), pp. 311 - 332.











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