
特惠贸易协定关税减让的“美国模式”及其启示 被引量:3

Enlightenment on the U.S. Model in PTAs Tariffs Concession
摘要 自1985年与以色列签订其第一个特惠贸易协定,到2012年生效的美国-巴拿马特惠贸易协定,美国在特惠贸易协定的关税减让安排上已经形成了一套符合自身利益的"美国模式"。近期沸沸扬扬的TPP协定谈判,将是继NAFTA和CAFTA之后,"美国模式"第三次运用在多边特惠贸易协定上。"美国模式"在保证符合WTO规范的前提下,进一步扩大了美国的经济收益。近十年以来,中国相继签订了数个特惠贸易协定。中国在特惠贸易协定实践中也逐渐形成了关税减让方面的固定思路,但这种思路在与WTO规范的相符性上却存在潜在的被诉危险。合理借鉴"美国模式"的优势,能够帮助中国的关税减让安排在符合WTO规范的前提下扩大经济收益,也有利于未来中国的多边特惠贸易协定发展。 From the U. S. -Israel in 1985 to the U. S. -Panama in 2012, the U. S. has devel- oped a self-interested U.S. Model in PTAs Tariffs Concession. After NAFTA and CAFTA, the TPP Agreement will be the third time the U.S. using its U. S. Model on PTAs. The U.S. Model further expands the U.S. economic benefit on the premise of complying with the WTO rules. In recent ten years, China has signed several PTAs in succession. In practices, China has developed its own structure in Tariffs Concession. However, the structure may be complained by other WTO parties. Learning from the U. S. Model will not only expand China' s economic benefit, but also be favorable for the development of China' s PTAs.
作者 许多
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第12期107-114,共8页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 江苏省哲学社会科学基金青年项目"WTO规范下的PTA范式研究"(13FXC012)的阶段性成果
关键词 WTO 特惠贸易协定 关税减让 “美国模式” TPP协定 WTO PTAs tariffs concession the U.S. Model the TPP Agreement
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  • 1Turkey - Restrictions on Imports of Textile and Clothing Prod- ucts, WT/DS34/AB/R, 22 October 1999, para. 48.
  • 2See Submission on Regional Trade Agreements by Australia, TN/ RL/W/173, 1 March 2005.
  • 3See Submission on Regional Trade Agreements by Australia, TN/ RE/W/180, 13 May 2005.
  • 4See Submission on Regional Trade Agreements by China, TN/ RIMW/185, 22 July 2005.
  • 5See Latest U.S. International Trade in Goods and Services Re- port: Exhibit 6s - Trade by Country and Area - Current Year, available at http://www, eensus, gov/foreign -trade/Press - Re- lease/current_press_release/exh6s, pdf, last visited 20 Novem- ber 2013.
  • 6John H. Jackson, William J. Davey, and Alan O. Sykes, Jr, Legal Problems of International Economic Relations, fifth Edi- tion, Thomson West, 2008. p. 526.
  • 7See Outlines of the Trans - Pacific Partnership Agreement, avail- able at http://www, ustr. gov/about - us/press - office/fact - sheets/201 I/november/outlines - trans - pacific - partnership - agreement, last visited 20 November 2013.
  • 8See U. S. Department of Commerce; U.S. Trade Representa- tive, available at http ://www. ustr. gov/trade - agreements/free - trade - agreements/trans - pacific - partnership/state - bene-fits - tpp, last visited 20 November 2013.
  • 9World Trade Organization, World Trade Report 2011, WTO Pub- lications, p. 83.
  • 10《中国——巴基斯坦白贸区第二阶段降税首轮谈判在伊斯兰堡举行》,http://ha.mofcom.gov.cn/article/chpakistan/chpa-kistannews/201103/5475-1.html,最后访问日期:2013年4月14日.


  • 1[美]凯普纳(R·A·Kepner)等 著,崔引安等.农业机械原理[M]机械工业出版社,1978.












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