

A Meager Opinion at Globalization Based on a Connotation of “Conscience” and “Charity”
摘要 世纪之交全球化的议题震天价响且为世人所关注,而全球化是一个复杂交织的问题,可以说是瞬息万变,它正在改变整个世界。由于现代传播媒体的推波助澜,资讯科技的日新月异,可预期地全球化必然会改变人类的行为,文化发展、社会价值与生活模式也分别受到不同程度的影响。全球化可以增进不同文化之间的交流,但是也可能带来文化殖民的危机;同时,在过度的物质文明发展下,人们有向唯物靠拢的倾向,其结果会使维系人们与社会的传统和价值瓦解。因此,在面对全球化的进程中,应重整人生方向的形塑,圆成自我超越的理想,进而走向真善美圣的生命境界。本文希望藉由下列几个面向作探讨:一、面对自我的良心,透过主体良心的自我开显,以实现自我超越之道;二、再以主体良心的开显为基础,而从仁爱的进路阐释"我—你"的主体际关系;三、将此一互为主体际性扩展至整个世界,以探究我与团体的互动关系;并期待因着论述的启发,使每个人都能渡一个真诚的人生,并以虔敬的心迎向未来,进而揭示全球化应有的意义。 Globalization has become a hot issue concerned by a complicated, rapidly changing issue, globalization is changing lots of people since the turn of the century. As the world. Because of the modern media and rapidly changing information technology, it can be expected that globalization will inevitably alter human behavior and may have an impact on cultural development, social value and life style in varying degrees simultaneously. On the one hand, globalization can enhance communications among different cultures, but on the other hand it may also bring cultural colonization crisis. Meanwhile, under the excessive development of material civilization, people have a tendency to move closer to material products which will lead to the collapse of traditions and values that keep mankind and community alive. Therefore, when faced with the process of globalization, we should re - shape the direction of life and fulfill the ideal of self - transcendence and toward the sublime holy realm life. This paper aims to find out answers to the following questions : (i) Facing self - conscience, to achieve self - transcendence through ego unverborgenheit of subject' s conscience. (ii) Based on the ego unverborgenheit, to interpret the "I - You" intersubjective relation by the charity. (iii) Expanding world, to explore the interaction between groups and I myself. It hopes that live a life of sincere and face the future with reverence, so as to reveal the the intersubjectivity to the whole inspired by discourse, everyone can significance of globalization.
作者 陈福滨
机构地区 辅仁大学哲学系
出处 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期1-6,共6页 Journal of Guizhou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 全球化 文化 良心 仁爱 慎独 团体 位格 主体性 互为主体际性 globalization culture conscience charity cautiousness groups person subjectivity intersubjectivity
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