In the era of independent creativity and innova- tion, State Key Laboratories have come to a new develo- ping stage that PI (Principal Investigator) system, the dominant scientific research organizing structure at pres- ent, is not sufficient for developing scientific technolo- gies or improving State Key Laboratories. Accordingly, the concept of research groups and corresponding re- sponsible scientists was introduced in the State Key La- boratory of Molecular Biology for laboratory manage- ment. This was derived from the mode for managing ma- jor projeets in which the ehief scientist is responsible for the project progress, and thus initiated a complex scien- tific research organizing structure - the "individual-clus- ter-group array" system. As a result of rational team composition and resource alloeation, Principal Investi- gators are not only able to explore their own research in- terests and specific researeh areas within individual re- search groups, but also form clusters and cooperate in grouped research projects to make greater contribution to scientifie progress.
China Basic Science
State Key Laboratory
scientific research or-ganizing structure
Individual-cluster-group array