

An Approach of Ultrasonic Modification to Improve Back Ohmic Contact of Silicon Nano-wall Optoelectronic Device
摘要 提供了一种硅纳米墙结构器件的背面电极接触改善方法。通过利用超声的方法修饰金属催化法制备的硅纳米墙结构,并制备了AZO/硅纳米墙异质结光电器件。研究发现超声波可以对金属催化法制备的纳米硅墙进行单面修饰,与未经超声修饰的样品制备的器件相比,超声修饰能够改善硅纳米墙器件的背面电极欧姆接触,2min的超声修饰可以将器件的串联电阻从5.87Ω下降到0.82Ω,填充因子提高86%,光电转换效率提高76.2%,提高了光电器件的载流子收集效率。 A new method to improve the silicon nano-wall optoelectronic device's back ohmic contact by ultrasonic is proposed. The metal assisted etching of silicon nano-wall samples with ultrasonic is modified, then ultrasonic modified silicon nano-wall is built into AZO/silicon nano- wall hetero-iunction optoelectronic device . It is found that the ultrasonic can polish one side of metal assisted chemical etching silicon nano-wall sample. Compared to the non ultrasonic modified sample, ultrasonic modified process can improve the back ohmic contact of silicon nano-wall de- vice. The series resistance can be reduced from 5.87% to 0.82 % hy 2 minutes of ultrasonic mod- ification and the fill factor is raised to 86% ,and the photoelectric conversion efficiency to 76.2%. The device's carrier collection efficiency is thus improved.
出处 《光电子技术》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第4期274-278,共5页 Optoelectronic Technology
关键词 超声修饰 金属催化法 硅纳米墙 欧姆接触 ultrasonic modify metal assisted etching silicon nano-wall ohmic contact
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