
德国土壤环境保护立法研究 被引量:16

The Legislation Research on German Soil Environmental Protection
摘要 随着我国经济社会的不断深入发展及农业产业化、工业化和城市化的推进,我国土壤环境问题层出不穷,土壤污染情况日趋严重。我国目前尚未对土壤环境保护进行单独立法规制,而现行关于土壤环境保护的法律法规缺乏系统性和可操作性,无法满足解决日益严重的土壤环境问题的要求。德国自1998年《联邦土壤保护法》颁布以来,其土壤保护法律体系经过十多年的立法和司法实践,时至今日已经形成一套比较完善的土壤环境保护法律体系和法律制度。德国的土壤环境保护立法经验,对我国当前土壤环境保护立法研究具有积极的借鉴价值。 With the further development of economy and society, agriculture industrialization and ur- banization drive,which caused endless soil environmental problems, soil pollution is getting worse and worse.China doesn't have a special legislation on the soil environmental protection,some other laws and regulations that involve soil protection are inadequate in system and operability, which can't fulfill the increasing demand of solving the serious soil problems. On the contrary, since Germany established its Federal Soil Protection Act in 1998,the legal system on soil protection has made significant ad- vancement, forming a series of sophisticated soil environmental protection legal system now.German legislative experiences have a positive reference value in the legislation research on soil environmental protection in our country.
作者 罗丽 袁泉
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2013年第6期965-972,共8页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 环境保护部国际合作与履约资助项目(20132348003)
关键词 德国《联邦土壤保护法》 立法体系 法律制度 启示 Federal Soil Protection Act legislative system legal system enlightenment
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