一回路氦气循环风机是为清华大学10 MW高温气冷核反应实验堆生产,安装在核反应堆的压力壳电机腔内的配套电动机。压力壳内充3.0 MPa压力的一回路氦气,电机腔内充0.1 MPa压力的氦气,绕组在该压力的氦气环境条件下长期运行,应能承受6×106r a d的放射剂量。绕组绝缘结构的可靠性是保证电机在严酷环境条件正常运行的必要条件,为此介绍了该电机绝缘结构的试验和研制。
The motor of the helium circulator within the primary circuit was produced for the 10 MW high tem- perature gas-cooled reactor (HTR-10) by Tsinghua Univer- sity. It was the motor that was installed in a motor chamber of the pressure vessel of the reactor. The pressure vessel was filled with 3.0 MPa helium gas as the primary circuit while the motor chamber was filled with 0.1 MPa helium gas, in which the motor windings would operate in a long time un- der such pressure and withstand a 6xl06 rad radiation dose. Reliability of the winding insulation system was the neces- sary condition to guarantee motor normal operation under the severe environment. The insulation system of the motor and relative testing were introduced.
Electrical Machinery Technology
high temperature gas-cooled reactor he- lium gas cycle in the primary circuit gaseous dielectric breakdown insulation system of the motor used in the nuclear reactor