
稻/菰远缘杂交后代变异材料MITE类转座子mPing的激活 被引量:1

Mobilization of the Active MITEs Transposons mPing in Variant Offspring of Rice and Zizanias' Distant Hybridization
摘要 实验以日本引进粳稻品种松前为受体材料,以水稻的近缘属菰为供体,利用花粉管通道法导入受体水稻菰的基因组DNA。经过两个世代的培养,T1世代表型(株形、穗形、籽粒特征)变异不明显,但统计分析结果表明生育期及有效分蘖数与母本有显著差异。在T2世代发现明显的表型变异株,并且此变异后代类型丰富。随机选取22个表型变异株进行Southern杂交和转座子分析,发现MITE类转座子mPing发生了转座激活。根据日本晴的基因组序列设计了含有mPing的特异位点引物以及用TAIL-PCR方法检测到了T2世代中mPing的跳出及插入频繁。实验获得了水稻的优良变异后代,扩大了遗传资源,丰富了生物多样性。研究结果为远缘杂交在基因组进化和作物遗传改良中的可能作用提供了新的理论依据。 This experiment used the variety of Matsumae which was induced from Japan as recipient material, used Zizania. caduciflora of approaching fringe of rice as the donator, and used the aisle method of pollen tube imported the genome DNA of recipient Zizania. After the cultivation of two generation, the variation of phenotype of T1 generation (the shape of plant and spike, the feature of kernal) was not obvious, but the statistical analysis results indicated that period of duration and effective tillering number have significant deviation. Discovered significant plant of phenotypic variation in the T2 generation, and the type of its offspring was abundant. Selected 22 extraction DNA from variants of T2 generation randomly, and did Southernblot and transposon analysis in the condition of choosing phenotypic variation plant randomly, discovered that the roPing which pertaining to transposon of MITET category. Devised the specific site primer which including of roping according to the genome sequence of Nipponbare. Detected that T2 generation had the dap of raPing by used the method of TAIL-PCR, the dap and insert was frequent. This experiment obtained the excellent variation offspring of rice, this enlarged inherited resource and enriched biodiversity. The results of this thesis offered the new theory bases for the p0ssible role of distance hybridization in the genome evolution and inheritance improvemen of plant.
出处 《北方水稻》 CAS 2013年第6期7-12,共6页 North Rice
基金 吉林省现代农业产业技术体系(JL20133001)
关键词 远缘杂交 花粉管通道法 转座子激活 MITES mPing Distance hybridization Method of pollen tube aisle Transposon activation MITEs mPing
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