
超声辅助磷酸提取油橄榄叶中羟基酪醇工艺研究 被引量:3

Study on Ultrasound-assisted Phosphoric Acid Extraction Technology of Hydroxytyrosol from Olive Leaves
摘要 建立HPLC测定羟基酪醇的方法,通过单因素实验和正交实验优化,以羟基酪醇的含量为考察指标,确定超声辅助磷酸提取羟基酪醇的最佳工艺,研究超声辅助磷酸提取油橄榄叶中羟基酪醇的工艺.实验结果显示:羟基酪醇在3.75—120μg/mL范围内线性关系良好;超声辅助磷酸提取羟基酪醇的最佳奈件为,磷酸浓度为o,2mol/L,液料比为40:l(mL:g),超声时间为60rain,此条件下羟基酪醇的含量为5.13mg/g.该方法工艺简单,处理量大,可为油橄榄叶中羟基酪醇的提取提供依据. Optimized by single factor test and orthogonal test, taking the content of hydroxytyrosol as evalu- ation index, the experiment was established to determine hydroxytyrosol by HPLC. The experimental results showed that hydroxytyrosol had a good linear relationship with peak area in the range 3.75 ~ 120 btg/mL. When the optimized ultrasonic extraction conditions of hydmxytyrosol were 2 mol/L phosphoric acid, 40:1 liquid-solid ratio (mL: g) and extraction for 60 rain at normal temperature, the hydroxytymsol content was 5.13 mg/g. We conclude that the method is simple, and has large capacity, and can provide the basis for extraction of hydroxytyrosol from olive leaves.
出处 《成都大学学报(自然科学版)》 2013年第4期328-331,共4页 Journal of Chengdu University(Natural Science Edition)
关键词 油橄榄叶 羟基酪醇 磷酸 高效液相色谱法 olive leaves hydroxytyrosol phosphoric acid HPLC
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