

Driver's ECG characteristics on horizontal alignment of snow-covered road in forest region of northern China
摘要 我国北方林区由于地形复杂和森工企业自建道路等级较低等因素导致北方林区道路直线段长度短、平曲线半径小等特点,再加之冬季冰雪路面附着力小,制动与转向控制困难等因素的作用,从而使驾驶员行车时承受了很大的心理压力。进行了北方林区公路冰雪道路上6位驾驶员的心电实驾试验,分析了驾驶员在直线路段和曲线路段行驶时其心率的变化情况,得出了驾驶员在冰雪路面上行车时的心率增长率随直线段长度和平曲线半径大小的变化规律,并建立了直线段长度和平曲线半径与驾驶员心率增量的数学回归模型,为下一步研究驾驶员的心电指标变化规律提供理论参考。 Given complex terrain in the forest region of northern China and low-grade roads built by forest industries, the snow- covered roads have such characteristics as short length of straight line and radius of horizontal curve, small road adhesion, diffi- cult braking and steering control. It poses high psychological pressure on drivers. We analyzed six drivers' ECG data of actual driving on straight line and curve segment. It is found that growth rate of heart rate (HR) changes regularly with the change of the length of straight line and the radius of horizontal curve. The mathematical regression model between HR increment and the length of straight line and the radius of horizontal curve is determined. It provides theoretical reference for the future research of ECG change rule.
出处 《中国科技论文》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第11期1110-1114,共5页 China Sciencepaper
基金 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20101515110008)
关键词 北方林区 冰雪路面 驾驶员心率 直线段长度 平曲线半径 forest region in northern China snow-covered road drivers" ECG length of straight line,radius of horizontal curve
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