目的 :探讨增率汤 (中药合剂 )与心宝丸 (中药丸剂 )治疗缓慢心律失常疗效对比。结果 :发现 30例患者通过药前药后观察心电图、动态心电图和食道调搏等指标 ,观察增快心率的疗效 ,总有效率增率汤组为 96 .8% ,心宝丸组为 5 3.0 %(P<0 .0 5 )。结论 :增率汤治疗缓慢心律失常 ,尤其窦性心动过缓者疗效显著 ,为临床这类患者提供了又一有效药物 ,有较好的开发运用前景。
Objective: It is to contrast the treatment effects of Zenglutang and Xinbao pill on the patients that suffer from slowness arrhythmia. Methods: It is to treat two patient groups with Zenglutang and Xinbao pill separately, observe and analysis the different data of cardiograms, dynamic cardiograms, and esophagus regulating pulses. Conclusion: The efficiency of Zenglutang and Xinbao pill is 96.8% and 53.0% respectively ( P <0.05). It suggested that Zanglutang is better than xinbao pill in the treatment of slowness arrhythmia especially to the antrum arrhythmia.
Modern Journal of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine