
恶臭自动在线监控体系设计与实现 被引量:8

Design and application of the online automatic monitoring system over the malodor pollution incidents
摘要 针对我国恶臭污染监管繁琐且无法实时在线监控等问题,提出建立恶臭自动在线监控体系。体系包含集成双检和双核技术的恶臭监测仪及数据采集仪、基于ArcGIS与数模生成的恶臭扩散模型并利用Hadoop云计算技术构建的恶臭数据监测平台以及依托环保物联网建立的各级监测中心。介绍了体系的设计和基本功能,探讨了恶臭实时自动在线监控及污染扩散分析预警方法。理论与实例应用结果表明,系统能够有效提升恶臭监测水平和监管能力,促进环保物联网的发展。 In view of the complicated, disadvantageous and highcost state of odor pollution supervision and control in China, this paper has proposed the scheme of automatically monitoring malodor pollution based on the ArcGIS system, in reference to the present monitoring modes of online monitoring devices plus datacollecting means and central platforms. In the online model, we have proposed that laser spectrum, microfluidic chip and electronic perception technologiesand relevant national standards be introduced into the model in hoping to develop an automatically realtime online monitoring malodor pollu tion system. In addition, the dual core technology was supposed to be applied to the design of the datacollecting device to conduct the mu tual communication between the malodor monitoring center and the malodor online monitoring device, with the ArcGIS technology and Gauss plume model combined for analyzing the diffusion of malodor gases. At the same time, we have utilized the Hadoop cloud account ing technology to construct the malodor monitoring platform that can complete the subject (sensor test) and object (components analysis) detections. Depending on the internet for environmental protection data and information, the monitoring centers can be built up at differ ent levels so as to help to process the abrupt, unexpected malodor ac cidents via the internet system and remotely regulate the malodor e mission ports. On the basis of the theories and examples of practical application, we have demonstrated that the system can monitor real odor sources and early warning malodor accidents, characterized by strong antiinterference capability, high detection accuracy, easy ac commodation to the environmental percussion, and so on. Thus, the system can be used to continuously monitor the malodor sources in re al time and heighten the malodor monitoring level and regulation abil ities. Thus, the proposed system by us can surely be beneficial for the development of the internetbased environmental orotection.
出处 《安全与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期152-157,共6页 Journal of Safety and Environment
基金 国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(2012YQ060165)
关键词 环境工程学 恶臭自动在线监测 Hadoop云计算 高斯羽烟模 ARCGIS environment engineering malodor automatic on-line monitoring Hadoop cloud computing Gauss plume model ArcGIS
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