
基础教育课程改革十年来高校体育教育专业课程改革的现状研究 被引量:5

Current Situation Research on Physical Education Curriculum Reform in Colleges and Universities Under the Background of 10-year Basic Education Curriculum Reform
摘要 文章采用文献资料法、调查法和面谈法等研究方法,对基础教育课程改革十年来高校体育教育专业课程改革的情况进行了分析研究。研究发现,以教育部六所直属院校体育教育专业为代表的高校体育教育专业在教师教育类以及教育管理类课程开设方面存在不足,缺乏对未来教师职业素养与能力的养成教育。 This paper uses the methods of documentary investigation and interview to explore and analyze the physical education in colleges and universities under the background of the lO-year basic education curriculum reform. One of the research findings is that the physical education majors in colleges and universities, represented by the six normal universities directly under the Ministry of Education, have shortcomings in curriculum such as teachers" professional quality and educational management. There is a lack of formative education of teachers" professional quality and ability for the would-be teachers.
作者 关北光 李红
出处 《乐山师范学院学报》 2013年第11期28-31,共4页 Journal of Leshan Normal University
关键词 基础教育课程改革 十年 体育教育专业 课程改革 现状研究 Curriculum Reform of Elementary Education Physical Education Major Current Situation Research
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