本文全面介绍了青岛发电有限公司以管理创新思想为主导,自主开展全面预算动态管理系统的体系构建、设计开发及应用过程;该系统融入"电厂大经营"和价值思维理念,采用SOA架构,并通过,net及Web Service技术的应用,将青岛发电有限公司先进的自学习式预算智能分配机制、全厂指标联动预算管理模式、经营过程动态模拟策略转化为功能完善、界面友好、操作便捷的全面预算动态管理系统软件,通过数据库管理技术实现了生产及经营实时数据导入和信息挖掘,并利用知识库管理技术实现了预算管理敏感因素分析、入厂煤的效益关联、燃料采购方案比较,最后阐述了系统的应用成果。
This paper fully introduces the process of research, development and application for Entire Budget Man-agement System of Qingdao Power generation Co., LTD by itself,which based on Entire Management and value-concept, SOA Architecture, dot net Platform and Web Service Technology, describes the overall transformation from advanced budget man- agement mode of self-learning budget distribution with intelligence,budget management linking with entire parameter index,dynamical simulation of business process to Entire Budget Management Sys- tem of power plan with the use of computer technol-ogy,which made use of database management and data mining technology, knowledge management technique to achieve the analysis of sensitive factor and comparison of different mine purchase plan, and introduces its economic benefit and application results.
Journal of Shandong Electric Power College
self-learning budget distribution with intelli-gence
budget management linking with entireparameter index
dynamical simulation of busi-ness process