

Construction of piglet diarrhea regulation network involved with MUC13 gene
摘要 为进一步阐述仔猪腹泻发生的分子机制,应用生物信息学方法构建了MUC13基因参与的仔猪腹泻调控网络图谱,并对其中的基因进行基因功能聚类分析。首先,选择物种为猪,通过STRING数据库分析发现与MUC13相关联的有10种蛋白(MUC4,MUC20,LRCH3,FLJ33471,ACK,ZDHHC19,CTPCT,APOD,Msp,CD71);其次,根据筛选到的蛋白,构建了仔猪腹泻调控网络,并从中找到了MUC13基因参与的仔猪腹泻调控网络,该网络包括MUC13,MUC4,MUC1,MUC2,MUC3,TFF3,NOD1,TNFSF10,FGFR1,CDH2等10个基因;最后,采用DAVID数据库对图谱中的这10个基因进行基因功能注释分析,发现富集相关程度较高的一些基因聚类条目有上皮生长因子(EGF)序列、SEA模块、跨膜结构域、胞质尾区等,因此推测MUC13基因结构的特异性决定了其在仔猪腹泻发展过程中具有特定的功能。文章建立的MUC13基因参与的仔猪腹泻调控网络具有一定的真实性,可以用来描述仔猪腹泻症发生发展过程中分子的相互作用。 This study developed a regulation network of piglets diarrhea in which MUC13 gene participated and made an assay of gene functional annotation clustering .Firstly, 10 MUC13-associated proteins were generated through STRING 9.0 (MUC4, MUC20, LRCH3, FLJ33471, ACK, ZDHHC19, CTPCT, APOD, Msp, CD71).Secondly, using the 10 MUC13-associated proteins , we developed a regulation network of piglets diarrhea in which MUC13 gene participated, which included MUC13, MUC4, MUC1, MUC2, MUC3, TFF3, NOD1, TNFSF10, FGFR1, CDH2 genes.Finally, with DAVID bioinformatics resources , we made an assay of gene functional annotation clustering , and found specific functional annotations terms included domain:SEA, extracellular region , transmembrane protein , so we speculated that the specific structure of the MUC13 determined MUC13 had a specific function in the develop-ment process of piglet diarrhea .The network constructed in this study has certain authenticity and can be used for de-scribing molecular interactions in the occurrence and development of piglet diarrhea , which is important to elucidate the molecular mechanisms of diarrhea occurrence .
出处 《浙江农业学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1220-1224,共5页 Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
基金 浙江省科技创新团队项目(2010R50027) 国家自然科学基金(31101723) 国家科技部富民强县专项"生猪产业升级技术集成应用与示范" 浙江省自然科学基金项目(Y3100569)
关键词 MUC13 仔猪腹泻 调控网络 MUC13 piglet diarrhea regulation network
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