
可追溯食品市场消费需求研究——以可追溯猪肉为例 被引量:36

The Study of Consumer Demand in Traceable Food Market:The Case of Traceable Pork
摘要 以辽宁省大连市、河北省石家庄市、江苏省无锡市、甘肃省银川市、云南省昆明市的2121名消费者对不同层次安全信息的可追溯猪肉消费偏好为研究切入点,设置了包括可追溯安全信息、可追溯安全信息的认证和价格三个属性的不同层次组合的可追溯猪肉轮廓,采用CVA方法估计出不同属性的相对重要性与层次的效用分值,在此基础上构建8种市场方案并引入随机首选法,对相应的可追溯猪肉的市场份额做出估计。研究结果表明,可追溯猪肉安全信息的认证对消费者而言重要性最高,消费者愿意为可追溯安全信息支付一定的额外价格,但其对具有安全信息的可追溯猪肉额外支付价格将以30%为拐点,价格上浮超过拐点消费者会降低对猪肉安全性的需求。市场模拟的结果还表明,如果安全信息由政府认证,则具有养殖、屠宰信息,价格上浮20%~30%是消费者对可追溯猪肉较优的属性组合选择;而如果安全信息无机构认证,则具有养殖、屠宰、运输信息,价格上浮20%~30%也是较优的属性组合。据此,本文提出了我国可追溯猪肉市场体系发展的基本路径。 The objective of this paper is to examine consumers' preference and their willingness to pay for traceable pork containing different levels of safety information.This study conducted a survey in 2121 consumers in Dalian City,Liaoning Province,Shijiazhuang City,Hebei Province,Wuxi City,Jiangsu Province,Yinchuan City,Gansu Province,and Kunming City,Yunnan Province.The CVA results demonstrate that certification of traceable pork safety information by authority is of the highest importance to consumers.Consumers are more willing to pay an additional price for the traceable safety information.However,the turning point of the additional price for traceable pork with safety information will be 30%,that is to say,when the price goes up by more than 30%,consumers will reduce the demand for pork safety.Market simulation results indicate that with safety information certification by government,breeding and slaughter information,and a price up by 20%~30% constitute a preferred combination of attributes for consumers;and that without safety information certification by authority,breeding,slaughter and carriage information,and a price up by 20% ~30% also constitute a preferred combination of attributes.The key limitation of the study is that it didn't study the pork without traceable safety information and failed to take the ordinary pork to compare with the traceable pork containing different levels of safety information,as well as study the market share of the ordinary pork and traceable pork containing different attributes and levels.The conclusions of this study may promote the transition in food production and consumption markets and provide references for preventing food safety risks,ensuring food safety.Enriching the Food Safety Consumer Behavior Theory based on China's reality,this study conducts Conjoint Value Analysis to explore consumer preference for traceable pork containing different levels of safety information and proposes two development paths for the traceable pork market system.
出处 《公共管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期119-128,142-143,共10页 Journal of Public Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71273117) 江苏省六大人才高峰资助项目(2012-JY-002)
关键词 可追溯安全信息 消费偏好 联合分析方法 CVA 市场模拟 Traceable Safety Information,Consumer Preference,Conjoint Analysis,CVA,Market Simulation
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