
一种模块化可重构机器人系统的研制 被引量:6

Development of a modular reconfigurable robot system
摘要 在教育和科研领域中,为使机器人兼有较好的重构能力与操作性能,研制了一种模块化可重构机器人系统MRRES.提出了一种机器人模块划分及重构的方法,构建出机器人模块库,研制出集成传动、控制及传感于一体的系列化关节模块.基于Open GL和VC++开发了具有建模、仿真和运动控制功能的应用软件MRR-SIM.给出了一个基于任务和模块库的机器人设计实例,进行了实验测试.实验结果表明,MRRES系统模块划分和设计合理,机器人在保证重构能力的同时具有较好的操作性能,可应用于教育和科研等领域. To obtain both high reconfiguration ability and manipulating performance for applications in education and research areas,a modular reconfigurable robot experimental system( MRRES) was developed. First,a module division and reconfiguration method was proposed,next a module library was established,and then a series of joint modules with integrated transmission,control,and sensing systems were developed. Based on Open GL and VC ++,the software MRR-SIM incorporating the functions of modeling,simulation,and motion control was developed.A task-and-module-library based illustrative example was presented,and finally a robot was tested. The results of the experiments show that the proposed division method and the design of the MRRES are appropriate,the high reconfiguration ability and high manipulating performance were achieved,and the system was applicable to the applications in education and research settings.
出处 《智能系统学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期292-298,共7页 CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems
基金 国家"863"计划资助项目(2012AA041401) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60905048)
关键词 模块化可重构机器人 模块划分及重构 关节模块 应用软件 设计实例 modular reconfigurable robot module division and reconfiguration joint module application software design example
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