4Gisbome,Thomas.An Enquiry Into the Duties of the Female Sex:London,1797.From Understanding Pride and Prejudice.Debra Teachman.Beijing:China Renmin University Press,2008.
5Gregory,John.A Father's Legacy to his Daughters,1774,P61-64.From Understanding Pride and Prejudice.Debra Teachman.Beijing:China Renmrin University Press,2008.
4Wayne C. Booth, The Rhetoric of Fiction( Chicago: Chicago UP,1961 ) Chap. 3 .
5John Fowles, "Notes on Writing a Novel," The Novel Today: Contemporary Writers on Modern Fiction,ed. ,Malcolm Bradbury (Glasgow: William Collins Sons, 1977) 139.
6John Fowles, The French Lieutenant's Woman(Boston: Little Brown & Company, 1969) Chap. 13.
8S. J. Johnson, "Introduction to Aren' t You Rather Young to be Writing Your Memoirs?" The Novel Today,ed. , Malcolm Bradbury (Manchester: Manchester UP, 1977) 151.
9Alsen, Eberhard. Romantic Postmodernism in American Fiction. Amsterdam :Atlanta GA, 1996.
10Barth, John. "The Literature of Replenishment: Postmodemist Fiction. "Atlantic Monthly Jan. (1980).