
我国中小学校园欺负研究的文献计量分析 被引量:2

Bibliometric analysis on primary and secondary school campus bullying problems in China
摘要 对收录在中国知网(CNKI)中的我国有关中小学校园欺负的160篇文献(1990—2013)进行文献计量分析,以揭示我国关于中小学校园欺负的研究特点和研究动态。结果发现:我国相关研究起步较晚,2000年以后呈现稳步增长的趋势,近5年来发展迅速;文献发表以教育学类期刊为主,医学类期刊收录的文献数量最少;现状研究所占比例最大,工具开发研究最少,预防研究欠缺;国家级项目的资助力度最大,省部级、厅级和校级项目资助力度需要加强;研究方式以独立研究为主,合作研究特别是各学科之间的合作研究需要加强。 In order to reveal the research features and trends of bullying on the campus , this article conducts a bibliometric analysis on 160 papers of CNKI from 1990 to 2013 included in China. The results are as follow: the correlational research starts late, but it showed a steady growth trend after 2000; the field of these papers are highest in pedagogical and lowest in medical journals; actuality analysis share the largest proportion, analysis on the tools least, lack of prevention research; the national fund projects is maximum, while the province, ministry and university fund projects need to be enhanced; the main research method is independent research, collaborative research need to be strengthened, especially the cooperative between different disciplines.
出处 《天津职业技术师范大学学报》 2013年第4期47-50,共4页 Journal of Tianjin University of Technology and Education
基金 天津市教育科学"十二五"规划重点课题(VE1010)
关键词 中小学 校园欺负 文献计量 primary and secondary school campus bullying problems bibliometric
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