目的评价伊曲康唑口服与制霉菌素悬液口腔局部涂用对小儿口腔白念珠菌病的临床疗效。方法45例患儿分为两组,分别口服伊曲康唑(19例)及制霉菌素悬液局部涂用或含漱(26例)。根据病损面积与真菌镜检判断疗效。结果伊曲康唑组治愈率(73.68%)和总有效率(89. 47%)均显著高于制霉菌素悬液组(42. 31%与57. 69%)(P<0.01与P<0. 05);8例自身对照两种比较,伊曲康唑治愈率及有效率显著高于制霉菌素组,副作用轻微。结论伊曲康唑治疗小儿口腔念珠菌病治愈率高,可作为首选。
Objective To assess the efficiency of oral itraconazole and topical nystatin lotion for oral candidiasis in pediatric patients. Methods Forty five patients with oral candidiasis either had oral itraconazole(19)or applied nystatin lotion(26) to the infected areas. Physical examinations, microscopic tests of mucosal scrapies and mycologic cultures were performed for the assesment. Results The cure rate(73. 68 % )and clinical response rate(89. 47 % ) for itraconazole were significantly higher than those of nystatin lotion, which were 42. 31 % (P < 0. 01 )and 57. 69 % (P < 0. 05 ) respectively. No severe side effects occurred in both groups. Conclusion Itraconazole appears more effective, and might be first prescribed for childhood oral candidiasis.
The Chinese Journal of Dermatovenereology