目的 探讨柳木夹板的各种力学特性 ,为小夹板的现代化提供一些必要的、科学的力学参数。方法 根据夹板的不同部分为四组 ,每组随机抽取前侧夹板、后侧夹板、内侧夹板和外侧夹板各两块 ,分别测其在加载———卸载时的桡度变化和一定载荷下桡度随时间的变化规律。结果 (1)柳木夹板在一定范围内加载和卸载时其应力———应变关系符合虎克定律。 (2 )加载卸载时其应力———应变曲线不重合 ,即表现出一定的滞后性。 (3)载荷一定的情况下 ,其弯曲桡度随时间的增加而增大。结论 柳木夹板是一种粘弹性体 ,治疗骨折的模式是粘弹性固定模式 ,其机械性能不稳定 。
Objective To study mechanical characters of the willow splint,and investigate the scientific parameters for the splint Methods 80 pieces of willow splints were divided into four groups according to the sites of their application Two pieces were selected randomly from the groups of the anteriosplint,postero splint,medial splint and lateral splint The changes of deflection with load and time were measured and the law of the changes were analysed Results (1)relationship between stress and strain of the splint was in line with Huke’s law under given load limits (2)δ ε curves of the splint did not coincide when the load was increased or decreased (3)Deflection of the splint would increase with time under identical load conditions Conclusion The willow splint is a kind of stick and elastic texture body Its mechanic character is unstable and a study of the improvement of the splint with a new material seems to be necessary [WT5”HZ]
China Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology