
自由单演逆半群上的核—迹算子半群 被引量:1

Trace-Kernel Operator Semigroup of Free Monogenic Inverse Semigroup
摘要 对于逆半群上的同余ρ,在它的迹类中存在最大元ρT和最小元ρt.相应地,在它的核类中有最大元ρK和最小元ρk.因此,我们在S的同余格上得到四个算子Г={T,t,K,k}.本文将给出自由单演逆半群上,由算子半群Г生成的半群,即自由单演逆半群上的核一迹算子半群. For congruence p on an inverse semigroup, there are maximal element pT and minimal element pt in a trace class; by the same token, there are maximal element pK and minimal element pk in a kernel class. So we can find four operators F = {K, k, T, t} on congruence lattice C(S) of an inverse semigroup S. In this paper, we gained extremum congruence which is not identity relation on free monogenic inverse semigroup Ix. Then establishing relations in F on congruence lattice C(S), we obtain trace-kernel operator semigroup F+/E* of Ix finally.
作者 龙薇 汪立民
出处 《数学学报(中文版)》 SCIE CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期101-108,共8页 Acta Mathematica Sinica:Chinese Series
基金 国家自然科学基金项目资助(11261018)
关键词 自由单演逆半群 极值同余 free monogenic inverse semigroup kernel trace congruence
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