
Symbolic Images of Colors, Animals and Machines in The Red Badge of Courage

Symbolic Images of Colors,Animals and Machines inThe Red Badge of Courage
摘要 Abstract:Stephen Crane was an outstanding American novelist,poet,and journalist.He achieved great success in his literary works during his brief career.Crane’s most well-known work,The Red Badge of Courage,is commonly believed to be the first great novel of the American Civil War,largely because of its vivid and detailed description of the experience of warfare.This paper analyzes the images of color,animal and machine,which convey Crane’s thoughts of war:war is full of chaos,brutality,and confusion,without any romantic elements or heroism. Stephen Crane was an outstanding American novelist, poet, and journalist. He achieved great success in his literary works during his brief career. Crane's most well-known work, The Red Badge of Courage, is commonly believed to be the first great novel of the American Civil War, largely because of its vivid and detailed description of the experience of warfare. This paper analyzes the images of color, animal and machine, which convey Crane's thoughts of war: war is full of chaos, brutality, and confusion, without any romantic elements or heroism.
作者 王晓俊
机构地区 长沙学院外语系
出处 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2014年第1期23-27,30,共6页 English Square
基金 河南省高等学校青年骨干教师资助计划项目(2009GGJS-126) 河南工程学院英语语言文学研究中心资助项目
关键词 The Red Badge of Courage symbolic images color images animal images machine images The Red Badge of Courage symbolic images color images animal images machine images
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