This paper analyzed the existing methods of wave measurement, and described the advantages of GPS applied in measuring the wave. The equations of absolute velocity estimation were discussed, focusing on two methods with Doppler shill. The error sources and their effect on velocity estimation were analyzed. Then, some tests were carried on to simulate dynamic velocity determination using static data Based on the high-frequency carrier-phase derived Doppler observations, the velocity has been estimated to the precision of 1 cm/s or so, even to the mm/s level. And with the receiver generated Doppler measurements, the precision can reach 3 - 15 cm/s.
分析比对了GPS单点测速技术与其他已有测波手段的不同,讨论了基于多普勒频移的GPS测速方法,并分析了各类误差对测速精度的影响。分别利用原始多普勒值和导出多普勒值进行了静态测速试验和动态测速试验,将导出多普勒测速结果与RTK(Real Time Kinematic,实时动态测量系统)位置差分测速进行了比测。结果表明,使用静态数据采用高频导出多普勒值测速的精度可以达到亚厘米级每秒,而采用原始多普勒观测值进行测速因接收机型号的不同,结果差异较大;动态测速试验中,采用导出多普勒测速的方法与RTK位置差分测速的符合精度可达cm/s。
supported by the Key Laboratory of Marine Hydrocarbon Resources and Environmental Geology(MRE201233)
Key Laboratory of Surveying and Mapping Technology on Island and Reef
State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping(2012B04)