SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics,a peer-reviewed mathematical journal cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and published by Science China Press and Springer,is committed to publishing high-quality,original results in both basic and applied research.SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics is published monthly in both print and electronic forms.It is indexed by Science Citation Index(SCI),Current Contents Connect,CompuMath Citation Index,Inspec,Zentralblatt Math(Z Math),Current Mathematical Publications(CMP),MathSciNet,etc.
SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics,a peer-reviewed mathematical journal cosponsored by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the National Natural Science Foundation of China,and published by Science China Press and Springer,is committed to publishing high-quality,original results in both basic and applied research.SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics is published monthly in both print and electronic forms.It is indexed by Science Citation Index(SCI),Current Contents Connect,CompuMath Citation Index,Inspec,Zentralblatt Math(Z Math),Current Mathematical Publications(CMP),MathSciNet,etc.