为了降低低密度奇偶校验(Low Density Parity Check,LDPC)码的译码算法复杂度,提高译码性能,结合基于残余值的动态译码NW-RBP算法和最小和算法,提出了一种基于子迭代次数的改进NW-RBP算法,将此算法称为NW-RBPF算法。该算法在进行残余值计算时利用最小和进行计算,并且根据子迭代过程中每行迭代更新的次数,由仿真得出的收敛因子计算对残余值的补偿值。仿真结果表明,该算法的译码性能相比NW-RBP算法提高了0.05 dB,收敛速度提高了1.5倍,并且其贪婪性降低,是一种适用于LDPC码,且译码性能良好、实现复杂度较低的译码算法。
To reduce the complexity and improve the performance of the decoding algorithm for Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes, an improved algorithm NW-RBPF based on the number of the updates of the check-nodes completed in an iteration is presented in this paper, which uses the min- BP and a convergence factor to calculate the residual mentioned in NW-RBP algorithm. In this paper, the convergence factor is obtained by calculating the BERs using different factors. Simulations show that the algorithm achieves better performance than the NW-RBP algorithm in 0.05 dB. It also outper- forms NW-RBP for a large numbers of iterations. Therefore, this algorithm provides both good performance and convergence speed for any check node degree distribution in the LDPC codes.
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