针对2台1 000 MW机组锅炉脱硝系统在3年运行过程中出现的问题,从设备设计、安装及运行等方面进行分析剖解,找出原因并逐一整改解决,有效提高了脱硝系统投运率和脱硝效率,保证了脱硝系统相关设备的安全经济运行。
Aiming at problems occurred during the operation of two denitration systems of 1 000 MW boilers in three years, the paper analyzes the equipment design, installation and operation; it seeks out the causes and handles them one after another, significantly improving the operation rate and efficiency of denitration system and guaranteeing the safe and economical operation of equipment related to denitration system.
Zhejiang Electric Power