

A review of endovascular treatment of aortoiliac occlusive disease
摘要 本文通过广泛查阅关于腔内治疗主髂动脉病变结果的文献,并对其进行总结分析来对其治疗结果进行综述。对于大多数患者,腔内治疗优于外科手术;支架置入在技术成功率和远期疗效等方面优于经皮腔内血管成形,直接支架置入和选择性支架置入孰优孰劣存在争议;覆膜支架就其远期通畅性、临床症状改善等方面优于裸支架;复杂主髂动脉病变腔内治疗的疗效值得肯定。因此,腔内治疗主髂动脉病变结果令人满意,需要更多的循证医学证据研究予以支持。 To review the outcome of the endovascular treatment of aortoiliac occlusive disease,the recent literature concerning endovascular treatment as well as aortoiliac occlusive disease was extensively reviewed, and the research and development wet'e summarized. The results are : ( 1 ) In most cases, endovascular invention is better than surgery; (2)Stent placement has a higher technical success rates and a better longterm outcome than percutaneous transluminal angioplasty, primary or selective stent placement, which is better, is controversial; ( 3 ) Covered stents perform better than bare stents in longer- term pateney and clinical outcome; (4)Endovascular treatment of complex AIOD provides excellent early and long-term re- sults, similar to those obtained in the treatment of simple lesions. So, in general, endovascular treatment of aortoiliac occlusive disease provides excellent clinical results, further research is needed.
作者 郭伟 刘杰
出处 《国际外科学杂志》 2013年第12期820-824,共5页 International Journal of Surgery
关键词 主髂动脉病变 腔内治疗 血管疾病 治疗结果 META分析 Aortoiliac occlusive disease Endovaseular treatment Vascular diseases Treatment outcome Meta- analysis
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