

Impedance of Converters in Cascaded System and the Method of Stability Improvement
摘要 在级联系统稳定性判据基础上,分析级联系统前后级模块的阻抗比关系,讨论了LC滤波电路对后级负载输入阻抗的影响及其对级联系统稳定性的改善作用,介绍了电流源扰动注入法测试级联系统稳定性的方法,通过实验验证LC滤波电路对级联稳定性的改善作用。 Based on the cascaded system stability criterion, this paper analyzes the impedance relation of converters in cascaded system, discusses the effect of LC filter circuit to load input impedance and the principle of improving stability of cascaded system, and introduces current source disturbance testing method for the measurement of cascaded system stability. Experiments verify the effect of LC filter circuit to the stability of electronic cascaded systems.
机构地区 解放军理工大学 [
出处 《船电技术》 2013年第12期58-61,共4页 Marine Electric & Electronic Engineering
关键词 级联稳定性 阻抗分析 LC滤波 输入阻抗 cascaded system stability, impedance analysis, LC filter, input impedance
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