采用 PVA、 PE两种塑料膜袋包装 ,比较了常温和低温下芫荽的贮藏性。结果表明 :无论在常温和低温下 ,MA包装可降低失重率 ,抑制呼吸强度 ,保持风味 ;且低温组各项指标优于高温组 ;在抑制失重和腐烂率方面 PVA优于
The storage expriment of coriander had been studied in temperature and packing material PVA and PE.The result showed:Modified atmospheres in film,the losing weight of coriander was reduced.breath strength was controled,special flavour was kept and the low-temperature sets superior to the orolinaty temperature sets,but on the hand of the losing weigh and rotten rate,the PVA film superior to the PE film.
Agriculture and Technology