
供给约束下主产品和衍生产品最优生产与免费商品赠送 被引量:2

Optimal Production and Sampling of Primary and Contingent Products Under Supply Constraint
摘要 基于主产品和衍生产品的扩散特点,在供给约束下,结合价格策略和消费者行为建立了存在生产规模限制和库存等因素的免费商品赠样模型群。通过对生产规模的限制和生产成本的约束,可以得出当企业的生产规模足够大时不需要设置准备生产时期就能满足需要。同时,在生产规模太小不能满足市场需求时不需要进行免费商品赠送,在超过一定的生产规模并达到某种程度时赠样水平会逐渐增加并稳定在一定水平。这对企业在特定生产规模下确定赠送水平有一定的意义。 In this paper, a model group of diffusion process of primary and contingent products is established, and the impact of free samples on diffusion process is explored with considering repeat purchase, multiple--unit purchase and various pricing strategies under supply constraint. It argues that by balancing the production capacity and cost, the firm can determine a proper production capaci- ty to meet the market; when the production capacity is enough, there is no need to set up the prepara- tory period to produce products; when the production capacity is too small to meet the demand, there is no need to sampling; when the production capacity reaches a certain extent, the sampling level will keep in a stable level. It is significant for the firm to determine the sampling level under different pro- duction capacity.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期124-132,共9页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70971091)
关键词 主产品 衍生产品 免费赠样 价格策略 生产规模 primary product contingent product free sample pricing strategy production ca- pacity
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