利用LMS公司TEST Lab 5 A模态试验系统,采用锤击法,对某型涡旋压缩机的曲轴进行试验,然后进行模态分析,获得前3阶模态参数;通过有限元分析软件ANSYS对曲轴进行同样工况下的模态计算,对比试验模态参数与计算模态参数,二者误差在允许范围之内;再采用ANSYS对涡旋压缩机其他主要零部件进行模态计算,获得前6阶模态参数,并对上顶盖、壳体和装配体的各阶振型进行分析,为涡旋压缩机主要零部件的动力学分析和结构设计改进提供依据。
Experimental modal analysis of a scroll compressor' s crankshaft was conducted with the hammering method by means of the Test Lab 5 A modal test system of LMS Company. Parameters of the first three modals were obtained. Then, these modal parameters were computed under the same conditions as in the testing through ANSYS software. It was found that the difference between the results from the testing and the computation is within a permissible range. On this base, modal calculations of other major parts of the compressor were conducted and their first six modal parameters were obtained. And the vibration modes of different orders of top cover, shell and their assembly of the compressor were analyzed. This work has provided a basis for dynamic analysis and structural improvement of scroll compressor' s major oarts.
Noise and Vibration Control