

Influence Factors of Waste Activated Sludge Reduction by Worms' Predation
摘要 以温度、溶解氧浓度和pH为影响因素设计响应面实验,考察不同因素对蠕虫减量污泥的影响。实验结果表明,响应面模型拟合程度较好,温度是影响污泥减量的最重要因素;同时发现,随着温度的降低,污泥减量率由18%下降至9.7%,且低温会影响蠕虫活性;最后,通过对比反应前后污泥沉降性能发现,蠕虫可显著改善污泥沉降性能。 With temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration and pH identified as the influencing factors, response surface experiment was conducted to study the influence of different factors on wasted activated sludge reduction by worms' predation. The results indicated that response surface model fitted quite well, and temperature was considered as the most important influence factors of sludge reduction by worms; Meanwhile, it was found that sludge reduction rate decreased by 18 % to 9.7 % with the temperature decreasing. Moreover, low temperature would affect the worm activity; Finally, compared with the difference of sludge settleability between pre and post reaction, results illuminated worms would significantly improve sludge settleability.
出处 《上海第二工业大学学报》 2013年第4期253-257,共5页 Journal of Shanghai Polytechnic University
基金 上海第二工业大学校基金项目(No.EGD13XQD16)资助
关键词 响应面实验 污泥减量率 污泥沉降性能 response surlace experiment sludge reduction rate sludge settleability
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