
从美国亚太战略看云南省桥头堡建设中的意识形态安全问题 被引量:1

U. S. Asia- Pacific Strategy and Ideological Security in the Implementation of Yunnan's Bridgehead Strategy
摘要 美国"重返亚太"后,把在亚太地区的全面参与作为维护其国家利益和霸主地位的全球战略。以东南亚为通道,美国通过军事、经济、外交、文化等多种形式对中国进行意识形态渗透,制造中国威胁论,遏制中国崛起和削弱中国对东南亚国家的影响。因此,云南省在桥头堡建设中要高度重视国家的意识形态安全问题,正确认识经济发展与政治认同的关系,关注宗教渗透问题,自觉传播和维护中国和平发展的形象。可通过加快民族地区经济发展、加强文化建设、引导宗教与社会主义建设相适应、落实党的群众路线等策略来多途径保障云南桥头堡建设中的意识形态安全。 With its “returning to Asia”strategy and full engagement in Asia-Pacific affairs,the U.S.is implementing a new global strategy for preserving its national interests and hegemonic status.The U.S.adopts various ways to infiltrate its ideology to the region,especially Southeast Asia,for preventing China’s rise and weakening China ’s influence on the region by promoting the “China Threat Theory”.Yunnan is China ’s Southwest-facing bridgehead,an international channel connecting China and Southeast Asia,South Asia,as well as a multi -ethnic and multi -religious frontier province with high degree of openness.Its special geo-graphical location determines that the ideological factor of the U.S.Asia-Pacific strategy cannot be neglected when implementing Yunnan’s Bridgehead Strategy.The U.S.ideological infiltration to Yunnan through South-east Asia and the damage on China’s national image by the U.S.activities in the region should be taken seri-ously.Yunnan should take actions to safeguard China’s national ideological security in multiple ways.
出处 《昆明理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第6期13-20,共8页 Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 云南省哲学社会科学规划项目"桥头堡建设中维护国家意识形态安全问题研究"(YB2012001)
关键词 美国亚太战略 云南桥头堡建设 意识形态安全 政治认同 宗教渗透 U.S.Asia-Pacific Strategy Yunnan Bridgehead Building ideological security political i-dentification religious infiltration
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