
The Brazilian Mobile Telephoning Market and Its Indicators of Non-quality

The Brazilian Mobile Telephoning Market and Its Indicators of Non-quality
摘要 This article aims to scale the Brazilian mobile phone market as the number of active lines, carriers participation in the market and teledensity, as well as presenting the main non-quality indicators and rankings of carriers in relation to complaints registered by users. The methodology used was "survey" with documentary research, enabled through access to the database of the Brazilian National Telecommunications Agency^-ANATEL, and Sindec Report developed by the Brazilian National Secretary of the Consumer--SENACON. The results obtained showed a Brazil of had a teledensity of 132.78 lines every 100 inhabitants, with 261 million mobile lines active, these 19 million enabled in 2012. The leadership of the company "Vivo" with 29.08% of marketshare and shows the lowest rate of complaints among the big four carriers (Vivo, TIM, Claro, and Oi M6vel) according to the data of Anatel. SENACON data already confirm the big four carriers among the 10 conglomerates more defendants in claims in Brazil. As the indicators of non-quality, the Act of Misappropriation was pointed to by users as the biggest problem in contracted services.
出处 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第10期712-722,共11页 中国经济评论(英文版)
关键词 QUALITY regulatory agency Brazilian mobile telephony quality regulatory agency Brazilian mobile telephony
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