
R&D投入与企业成长的相关性研究述评 被引量:3

Correlative study summary of the R&D investment and the enterprise growth
摘要 创新是企业赖以生存和发展的关键因素,而创新的动力源于企业的R&D投入,因此,R&D投入与企业的成长密切相关。目前,与此相关的研究很多,在回顾、梳理大量文献的基础上提出未来研究方向是很有必要的。因此,首先,针对企业成长性的界定及其评价指标的相关文献进行了回顾与梳理,在分析企业成长性相关概念的同时,阐释了对其的理解,在此基础上,指出了对企业成长起着关键作用的是创新,而R&D是创新的原动力,这就凸显了R&D与企业成长的密切关系;其次,根据对企业成长性的理解,着重归纳和梳理R&D投入与企业增长以及企业价值关系,并做出了相应的评述;最后,通过分析已有文献,认为在研究R&D投入对企业成长能力和潜力的影响时,运用财务与非财务相结合的方法,应该是一个很有价值的研究方向。 Innovation is the key factor for enterprise's survival and development,and innovation impetus to enterprise R&D investment, therefore,R&D investment and enterprise development are closely related. At present,many studies related to this,based on reviewing the literature,combing the research direction in the future is very necessary. Therefore,first of all,according to the relevant literature and its enterprises growth evaluation index of reviews and summarizes,in the analysis of enterprise growth related concept at the same time,ex-plains the understanding,on this basis,points out that plays a key role on the growth of enterprises is innovation,and R&D is the driving force of innovation,this highlights the close relationship between R&D and firm growth;Secondly,according to the growth of firms,mainly summarizes and combs the R&D input and enterprise growth and enterprise value relations,and make the corresponding comments;final-ly,through the analysis of the existing literature,that the investment impact on enterprise growth ability and potential in the research of R&D,the use of methods of financial and non-financial combined,it is a valuable research direction.
出处 《经济研究导刊》 2013年第35期24-31,34,共9页 Economic Research Guide
关键词 R&D投入 企业成长性 企业增长 企业价值 R&D investment enterprise growth growth of enterprises enterprise value
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