As technology becomes increasingly integrated into the teaching and learning processes at the university level, it is imperative that research be conducted in relation to the impact of technology acquisition on minority learning populations. Research suggests that we need to improve the ways technology is applied, adopted and introduced and that higher levels of support should be provided to minority and nontraditional learning populations as they immerse themselves into higher education environments. Avenues for discussion of cost-effective technology integration and transition are explored; data identifies a need for more effective selection and alignment of learning needs with learning tools earlier on in the process of technology implementation across campuses. Research suggests this supports student presence, persistence, retention and success. Without it, however, we fail to support the very learners we seek to provide higher levels of access and opportunity. This failure will impact learners and institutions alike by placing disadvantage populations in precarious positions and universities having to choose between cultural, economic and human capital. The paper is organized as follows: Section 1: Introduction; Section 2: Need for Understanding Minority Enrollment Patterns; Section 3: Analysis of Report Data; Section 4: Strategy; Section 5: Conclusions.