基于高速通用串行总线(USB)的高带宽、支持热插拔、即插即用、易于扩展等特点,设计了一种高速数据传输系统。设计以FPGA为主控制器、以支持USB2.0协议的EZ-USB FX2LP系列的CY7C68013A为接口芯片,并采用块传输方式。详细阐述了在SlaveFIFO模式下CY7C68013A和FPGA之间数据传输的软硬件设计。实验结果表明,此方案实现了FPGA和PC之间的数据传输,且传输速度高达32 MB/s,可方便的扩展应用到其他需要通过USB进行数据传输的系统中。
A high-speed data transmission system based on the advanced performance of Universal Serial Bus (USB) with high-speed, hot-plugin, plug and play, easily to be expanded was developed. This design with bulk transmission mode took the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as the master controller, and the CY7C68013A chip from Cypress Corporation FX2LP serial, supporting the USB2.0 transport protocol, as the interface chip. Then, the hardware and the software design methods of data transmission between FPGA and CY7C68013A were further elaborated. Experimental results indicate that the data can be transmitted between the PC and FPGA rightly, with the speed of 32 MB/s, and the design can be easily expanded to other data transmission systems based on USB.
journal of Computer Applications