
“自然之镜”中的文明映像——《金色眼睛的映像》的女性生态视角 被引量:3

Civilization as Reflected in “Mirror of Nature”: An Eco-feminist Perspective of Reflections in a Golden Eye
摘要 自《金色眼睛的映像》问世以来,评论界一直对标题推出的哥特意象表现出浓厚的兴趣,它为麦卡勒斯小说的主题研究开启了一扇窗口。但是,所谓"艺术之镜"的传统阐释忽略了该镜像生成场所的自然属性,因而有关自然与文明、人类与非人类物种之间的关系这个文本意义层面一直未得到足够重视。笔者认为,从生态批评角度看来,金色眼睛是用以折射和反观价值扭曲的人类文明的一面"自然之镜"。本文从贯穿全书的这一核心意象入手,运用女性生态主义批评方法,探究麦卡勒斯笔下自我与他者、"她者"及"它者"之间的关系,尝试对其挑战人类中心主义和父权体制的生态自然观做出分析,以期揭示麦氏"精神隔绝"说的生态批评维度。 The title of Reflections in a Golden Eye has been the focus of critical attention, as the Gothic mirror image carries great depth of meaning concerning the themes of McCullers' fiction. However, its traditional interpretation as the "mirror of art" overlooks the fact that the mirror image is formed in the eye of a nonhuman subject, which actually symbolizes the "mirror of nature" that carries rather distorted reflections of human civilization. This thesis, starting with a close examination of this central image, offers an ecofeminist analysis of the alternative perspectives, with an aim to explore the author's eco-nature view that poses a challenge to anthrocentrism and patriarchy, and thus reveal the ecologically critical dimension of her hallmark theme of "spiritual isolation."
作者 林斌
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期113-120,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 国家社科基金一般项目"麦卡勒斯与美国南方的现代性写作研究"【项目批号:12BWW026】的阶段性成果
关键词 麦卡勒斯 自然 文明 镜像 女性生态主义 McCullers nature civilization mirror image eco-feminism
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