
先例在国际体育仲裁法律适用中的指引作用探析 被引量:16

Directive Role of Precedents in Application of Law for International Sports Arbitration
摘要 采用对比研究和案例分析的方法,探讨国际体育仲裁中先例对法律适用的影响,有利于我国构建和发展自己的体育仲裁制度。由于国际体育领域相对独立,且存在着层级分明的结构化组织形式,在争议仲裁实践中高度依赖先例的指引作用,来维持行业秩序的一致性和稳定性;先例主要在仲裁庭进行法律适用的自由裁量空间中发挥指引作用;国际体育仲裁中不存在"遵循先例原则"的一般性约束,先例是由仲裁庭选择性援引的;先例的指引作用在法律适用的条文性依据不足时突显出来;体育争议是否为商事性质不影响仲裁庭对先例的重视;仲裁庭组成是否具有普通法系背景不影响个案是否会选择援引先例;中国未来的体育仲裁机制应重视发挥先例的指引作用,形成自己的体育仲裁先例体系。 To discuss the influence of precedents to the application of law in international sports arbitration by comparison, contrast and case study is valuable for the construction and development of the sports arbitration system in China. The arbitral practices for sport disputes attach great importance to the directive role of precedents in application of law, for the sake that the relatively independent and pyramid-like organizational existence of international sport field de- mands a consistently solid trade order. Precedents play the directive role within the discretion for the panels to apply certain rules. There has not been a general principle of "Stare Decisis" to bind the panel of arbitration for sports, which has always reserved the authority to accept or deny precedents. The directive role of precedents will be highlighted where the existing statuto- ry merits are not sufficient enough to decide the dispute in issue. The nature of dispute, regard- less of commercial or disciplinary, does not influence the Panel's intend of referring to prece- dents, neither does the composition of the Panel by common-law background or non-common- law. It has the priority that the future Chinese mechanism for sport arbitration to establish our own precedents system by means of putting on weight to the directive role of precedents.
作者 杨秀清
机构地区 湘潭大学 大理学院
出处 《体育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期21-27,共7页 China Sport Science
基金 国家社会科学基金资助项目(11CFX076)
关键词 先例 体育仲裁 法律适用 遵循先例 司法惯例 precedent sport arbitration ~ application of law stare decisis jurisprudence con- stante
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