目的 :本文研究门静脉高压症合并幽门螺杆菌感染患者胃粘膜病理变化的特点 ,旨在探讨 HP感染在 PHG发病机制中的意义。方法 :对 6 0例门静脉高压症患者由内窥镜取胃粘膜活检证实有无 HP感染 ;同时对门脉高压性胃粘膜病变(PHG)者 ,无论是否伴有幽门杆菌感染分别进行光镜、电镜观察。结果 :(1) 6 0例门脉高压症 (PH)患者有 48例为 HP阳性 (80 % ) ,其中 PHG患者 HP阳性率为 87% ,NPHG患者阳性率仅为 6 0 % ;(2 ) HP阳性和 HP阴性的门脉高压症患者均合并有胃粘膜病变 ,且前者以重型为主 ,后者以轻型为主。结论 :(1) HP感染是形成门脉高压性胃粘膜病变的促进因素 ;(2 )门脉高压时胃粘膜变化包括细胞机制和免疫反应两方面。
Objectives: This paper studies the characteristics of the pathological changes on gastric mucosa in patients of the portal hypertension with Helicobacter pylori infection. It contributed to explore the effects of H. pylori infection in the pathogenesis of PHG. Methods: Sixty cases of portal hypertension were studied by endoscopic biopsy in order to prove gastric mucosa infection of Helicobacter pylori. Meanwhile their gastric mucosa were examined by using light and electron microscope in order to prove the infection of H.pylori. Results:(1)Forty-eight out of 60(80%) patients had histological evidence of H. pylori infection; In PHG patients the prevalence of H.Pylori infection is 87% and in NPHG patients the prevalence of H.Pylori infection is 60%;(2)The patients of portal hypertension with and without H.Pylori infection all caused gastric mucosal pathological changes, with the former severe and the latter mild . Conclusion:(1)H.Pylori infection contributed to the development of PHG;(2)These observations suggest that the changes of gastric mucosal during portal hypertension response cell mechanism and immune status. \ \
Guangxi Medical Journal
Portal hypertension
Helicobacter pylori
Gastric mucosa
Light and electronIC microscope