
2010年至2013年国家自然科学基金对急重症医学/创伤/烧伤/整形领域项目资助情况分析 被引量:6

Analysis of projects received and funded in fields of emergency and intensive care medicine/trauma/burns/ plastic surgery from National Natural Science Foundation of China during 2010-2013
摘要 目的总结国家自然科学基金2010年至2013年对急重症医学/创伤/烧伤/整形等领域的项目资助情况,对该领域今后的发展趋势提出思考与展望。方法统计国家自然科学基金2010年至2013年对急重症医学/创伤/烧伤,整形等领域的资助数量和经费,分析各分支学科基础研究概况,并对研究前沿和热点问题进行初步分析。结果@2010年至2013年,国家自然科学基金给医学科学部H15申请代码下总资助项目581项,总资助经费达27713万元,其中获得资助数量最多的是H1511(急重症医学/创伤/烧伤/整形其他科学问题)117项,其次是H1507(创面愈合与瘢痕)96项、H1502(多器官衰竭)88项、H1505(烧伤)71项、H1504(创伤)61项。②在急重症医学/创伤/烧伤/整形领域获资助项目数量前10位(TOP10)的单位分别为第三军医大学(70项)、上海交通大学(69项)、第二军医大学(40项)、解放军总医院(36项)、第四军医大学(35项)、浙江大学(22项)、中山大学(18项)、南方医科大学(14项)、中国医科大学(11项)、首都医科大学(11项),其资助项目数和资助金额均呈一致关系。③H15代码下受资助的研究领域几乎涵盖了人体所有重要器官、系统的损伤以及修复研究,我国科学家在部分领域的研究已经达到了相当高的水平,其中有代表性的领域有脓毒症、创伤、修复等。4年中H15代码下脓毒症相关研究获资助112项,相对于休克、烧伤、心肺复苏的增长速度迅猛并保持稳定。急重症医学/创伤/烧伤相关领域研涉及到心脏、肺、骨/软骨/肌肉、胃/肠道/肝、脑/脊髓/周围神经等组织、器官。整形相关领域中血管瘤和皮瓣相关项目获资助数量年均低于3项,创面、瘢痕修复相关的研究项目资助数量相对较多。④在前沿和热点研究中,干细胞相关项目4年资助率分别为23.8%、21.4%、19.0%和23.9%;表观遗传学方面的研究资助量呈明显递增趋势,4年平均资助率为20.9%;自噬相关项目在2011年实现“零”的突破,2011年至2013年总资助率为32.6%。结论国家自然科学基金对急重症医学,创伤/烧伤/整形相关领域的资助项目数和经费在快速提高。基金项目的申请应重视科学问题的凝练和提升,提高基金申请课题的质量;注重研究内容的深入性和系统性以及交叉学科(如免疫学)研究。脓毒症、创伤、烧伤仍将会是急重症医学/创伤,烧伤/整形领域研究和资助的主流方向;创面愈合与瘢痕、体表组织器官畸形、损伤与修复再生、体表组织器官移植与再造、颅颌面畸形与矫正等领域的研究是将来发展的重要方向。 Objective To summarized the projects received and funded in the fields of emergency and intensive care tic surgery from National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) during 2010-2013, put forward the thinking and perspective of this future trend in these fields. Methods The number of the funded project and total funding in the fields of emergency and intensive care medicine/trauma/burns/plastic surgery from NSFC during 2010-2013 had been statistical analyzed, in the meantime, the overview situation of various branches in basic research and further preliminary analysis the research frontier and hot issues have been analyzed. Results (!) The number of funded project were 581 in H15 of NSFC during 2010-2013, total funding reached to 277.13 million RMB, including 117 projects in H1511 (emergency and intensive care medicine/trauma/burns/plastic surgery and other science issue), 96 projects in H1507 (wound healing and scar), 88 projects in H1502 (multi-organ failure), 71 projects in H1505 (burn), 61 projects in H1504 (trauma) () The top 10 working unit for project funding in the field of Emergency and intensive care medicine/trauma/burns/plastic surgery present as Third Military Medical University (70), Shanghai Jiao tong University (69), Second Military Medical University (40), Chinese PLA General Hospital (36), Forth Military Medical University (35), Zhejiang University (22), Sun Yat-Sen University (18), Southern MedicalUniversity (14), China Medical University ( 11 ), Capital Medical University ( 11 ) respectively, the number of funded project positive correlated with funding. The funded research field in H15 covered almost all important organs and system injury or repair research, our scientists reached a fairly high level in some research field, for example, sepsis, trauma, repair, et al. "Sepsis" was funded 112 projects in H15 for 4 years, the growth rate became rapid and stable comparing to shock, bums and cardiopulmonary resuscitation fimded projects' number. "emergency and intensive care medicine/trauma/burns" research fields related to heart, lung, bone/cartilage/muscle, stomach/intestinal/liver, brain/spinal cord/peripheral nerve and other tissues/organs. The number of funded projects in plastic surgery related research fields in angioma and flap related projects were down below to 3 projects, but the number of funded project in wounds, sear repair related research field were more than other fields relatively. (~) In frontier and research hot issue, the funded rate represent as 23.8%, 21.4%, 19.0% and 23.9% in stem cell related research fields in 4 years respectively. The funded rate average to 20.9% in epigenetic related research fields for four years, the funded rate achieved to break through "zero" in autophagy related research fields, the total rate raised to 32.6% from 2011 to 2013. Conclusions The funded number and funding were raised rapidly in the fields of emergency and intensive care medicine/trauma/burns/plastic surgery from NSFC. The application for each proposal should be focus on concise or upgrade the scientific issues to improve the quality. The depth or systematic in content and interdisciplinary research fields (e.g. immunology) should be paid attention to. Sepsis, trauma and burns will be the main stream direction in future in the fields of emergency and intensive care medicine/trauma/burns/plastic surgery. The fields of wound healing and scar, surface organ defects, damage, repair and regeneration, surface tissue/organ transplantation and reconstruction, craniofacial deformities and correction are important develop directions in future work.
出处 《中华危重病急救医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期11-16,共6页 Chinese Critical Care Medicine
关键词 国家自然科学基金 急重症医学 创伤 烧伤 整形 资助项目 National Natural Science Fund Emergency and intensive care medicine trauma bums Plastic surgery Projects funded
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