
威尔斯与《自然》杂志科幻历史渊源——Nature实证研究之二 被引量:3

H.G.Wells and Nature's Historical Origin of Science Fiction
摘要 本文以英国《自然》(Nature)杂志与著名科幻作家H.G.威尔斯相关的丰富文本为主要考察对象,在此基础上对威尔斯及其作品进行科学史研究。主要集中于三方面:从科幻作品参与科学活动的角度出发,对威尔斯科幻小说的书评进行了重点考察;进一步厘清《自然》杂志与科幻的早期历史渊源关系;通过威尔斯的个案,探讨了《自然》杂志在20世纪早期英国学界的定位问题。 This paper systematically investigated the famous English sei-fi writer H. G. Wells from the perspective of the history of science based on plenty of texts related to Wells in the journal of Nature. It mainly studied the reviews of Wells' science fictions from the perspective of the role of science fiction in scientific activities, clarified the early historical relationship between the journal of Nature and science fictions, and analyzed the academic position of the journal of Nature in British academic world in the early 20th century by considering the case of Wells.
出处 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期74-84,共11页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 《自然》(Nature) H G 威尔斯 科幻小说 科学史 Nature H. G. Wells science fiction history of science
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