
系统康复训练对青年人前交叉韧带重建术后运动功能恢复的意义 被引量:11

Effect of systematic rehabilitation training on the recovery of motor function in young patients after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
摘要 目的探讨系统个体化康复训练对青年人前交叉韧带断裂术后运动功能重建的临床意义。方法 2009年3月~2011年9月,95例年龄小于35岁患者,成功在关节镜下行膝关节前交叉韧带断裂自体肌腱重建手术治疗。对于术中探查存在半月板损伤的患者,分别给予修整成型、缝合或切除手术。在围手术期中根据患者自身情况、手术情况、性别等因素指导患者进行康复训练并于出院后制定后续练习方案。术后对患者进行功能复查,并根据情况调整康复方案。术后12周和52周分别进行Lysholm功能评分并与健侧关节比较。结果 88例患者获得了至少12周的随访;69例患者获得了至少52周的随访。在术后12周时73例患者可以完全进行除剧烈运动外的日常活动;术后52周时59例患者中能够恢复伤前运动水平。终末随访时所有患者膝关节功能平均得分为91.0分,基本接近健侧关节水平。结论在手术操作得当的情况下,系统康复训练能够帮助青年患者恢复良好的运动功能,尤其对运动员患者将大为有益。 Objective To explore the clinical effect of systematic rehabilitation training on recover of motor function in young patients after anterior cruciate ligament revascularization.Methods From Match 2009 to September 2011,95 cases of patients younger than 35 years old were underwent anterior cruciate ligament rupture autograft tendon reconstruction.Intraoperative,to patients with meniscus injury,part resection or suture repair surgery were carried out.In the perioperative period,according to their condition of the patients,operation method and gender,rehabilitation training and subsequent practice guidance were given after patients discharging from the hospital.Twelve and 52 weeks after surgery,Lysholm knee function evaluated system was taken place to check the rehabilitation efficacy compared with uninjured side.Results Eighty-eight patients for at least 12 weeks of follow-up,69 patients received at least 52 weeks of follow-up.Seventy-three patients can be completely exercise daily activities at 12 weeks; 59 patients had regained their preinjury activity level.In latest followed up,all patients had an average score of 91.0 points,which were closed to the contralateral joints.Conclusion Under a well operated surgery,the young patients could regain their preinjury activity level by taking systematic rehabilitation training,and especially good to the athletes.
作者 许磊 刘宁
出处 《哈尔滨医科大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第3期265-268,共4页 Journal of Harbin Medical University
关键词 前交叉韧带 损伤 关节镜 康复 anterior cruciate ligament injury arthroscopy rehabilitation
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