以硫酰氯和三氯化磷为原料,采用间歇式一步转化法联产三氯氧磷和氯化亚砜,在 45~ 65℃,常压条件下 7~ 8 h内,将三氯化磷滴加入硫酰氯中进行反应,并保温 0. 5 h,可分别得到 98. 5%的氯化亚砜, 99%以上的三氯氧磷,收率均在 98%以上。
By making use of intermittent process, POCl3and SOCl2 were unitedly produced with POCl3 and SOCl2 as raw materials, with one- step conversion method.The reaction was finished in 7- 8 hours by dripping PCl3 into SO2Cl2 at 45- 65℃ and maintaining the above temperature for 30 minutes, the fineness of POCl3 and SOCl2 can respectively reach 98.5% and 99.0% , and their direct production ratio all get to above 98% .
Chemical Production and Technology