目的:分析替扎尼定治疗卒中后肩关节疼痛的效果。方法:将卒中后肩关节疼痛患者按Ashworth分级分为A组(Ashworth 2级)与B组(Ashworth 3级),其中每组患者再随机分为实验组与对照组。各组患者均予以常规治疗,实验组同时给予患者口服替扎尼定。比较各组患者在实验前及实验开始第8、12周时肩关节疼痛程度,并询问不良反应。结果:在治疗第8周,A组内实验组和对照组患者肩关节疼痛与治疗前比较,有显著缓解(实验组治疗前后:44.63±13.24 VS 19.36±9.31,P<0.05;对照组治疗前后:43.84±12.93 VS 19.69±9.21,P<0.05);B组实验组和对照组患者肩关节疼痛与治疗前比较,有显著缓解(实验组治疗前后:48.63±12.47 VS 16.82±11.13,P<0.05;对照组治疗前后:48.29±13.16 VS 16.91±11.17,P<0.05);在治疗第12周,A、B两组实验组患者肩关节疼痛与对照组比较,有显著缓解(A组:9.25±2.61 VS 16.38±4.64,P<0.05;B组:8.72±2.31 VS 15.52±4.42,P<0.05)。A、B两组内患者治疗后,实验组之间肩关节疼痛程度比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。患者使用替扎尼定后,未出现严重不良反应。结论:替扎尼定可以缓解卒中后肩关节疼痛,具有一定的临床疗效。但是,Ashworth 2级患者应用替扎尼定治疗后,其疼痛程度与Ashworth 3级患者相似。
Objective: To assess the effect of tizanidine on shoulder pain after stroke. with shoulder pain after stroke were divided into A group Patients in each group were randomly sub divided into (Ashworth grade 2) and B group Methods: Patients (Ashworth grade 3). trial group and control group. All patients were given conventional treatment. Patients in the trial group were given tizanidine in addition. Shoulder pain and adverse reactions were compared among the groups before and 8 and 12 weeks after experiment. Results: After 8 week, shoulder pain in the trial group was significantly improved compared with that before treatment. After 12 week, shoulder pain in the trial group was significantly improved compared with that in the control group. There was no significant difference between A group and B group about the shoulder pain after treatment. Patients given tizanidine had no serious adverse reactions. Conclusion: Tizanidine can improve post-stroke shoulder pain. However, the effect of tizanidine on the post-stroke shoulder pain may not be correlated with the Ashworth grade.
Journal of Luzhou Medical College