‘洛玉863’是洛阳农林科学院选育而成的高淀粉型玉米新品种,为了对该品种的高产栽培和示范推广提供理论依据,通过采用田间定点定株取样和公式法,研究了品种的群体动态指标,以明晰其适宜群体产量结构和群体动态指标,为品种的高产栽培和示范推广提供理论依据。结果表明:‘洛玉863’适宜种植密度为60000株/hm2,产量结构为60000穗/hm2、穗行数15.0行、行粒数37.5粒、千粒重381.5 g,群体生产力得到了充分的发挥,产量达12599.4 kg/hm2。适宜密度下,群体各项动态指标发展协调,叶面积指数(LAI)在吐丝期最大值达到5.41,且稳定期长,成熟时仍达2.94,使‘洛玉863’活秆成熟的优点得到充分体现;叶面积持续期(LAD)总量达到335.46×104(m2·d)/hm2,在各生育时期的分配合理;净同化率(NAR)与叶面积持续期(LAD)协调较好;干物质积累总量24702.3 kg/hm2,其中吐丝期以后的干物质积累量占全部积累量的60%;群体生长率(CGR)达247.0 kg/(hm2·d);灌浆速率始终保持在合理的较高水平。吐丝期以后的叶面积指数(LAI)、叶面积持续期(LAD)、干物质积累量和群体生长率(CGR)与最终的籽粒产量呈密切的正相关,可以作为适宜群体的标志。
' Luoyu 863' is Luoyang Academy of Agricultural-Forestry Sciences breeding a high starch type corn varieties, in order to the varieties of high yield cultivation and provide theoretical basis for demonstration and promotion, through the use of field point singling sampling and formula method, the varieties of group dynamic index, in order to clarify the appropriate group production structure and population dynamic target for varieties of high yield cultivation and provide theoretical basis for demonstration and promotion. The results showed that: 'Luoyu 863' suitable planting density of 60000 plants/hm:, production structure for 60000 ear/hm2, row number per ear 15.0, kernel number of per row 37.5, 1000 kernels weight 381.5 g, group productivity gets a full play, yield of 12599.4 kg/hm2. Suitable density, the group dynamic index development coordination, leaf area index (LAI) in spinning stage maximum of 5.41, and the stationary phase long, mature was 2.94, make the ' Luoyu 863' live stalk mature advantages to get fully embody. The amount of leaf area duration (LAD) reached 335.46 x 104 (ms· d)/hm2, in various growing period of distribution were more reasonable. Net assimilation rate and leaf area duration coordination was better. Dry matter accumulation amount 24702.3 kg/hm2, including silking stage after the dry matter accumulation accounted for 60% .f all accumulation. Population growth rate (CGR) 247.0 k/(hm^2· d). Grouting rate always stay m me reasonan^e a higher level. Silking stage after the leaf area index (LAI), leaf area duration (LAD), dry matter accumulation and population growth rate (CGR) and the grain yield is closely positive correlation, and can be used as a suitable group of mark.
Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin